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Showing posts from 2004
Embassy Company Mortgage loved the concepts so much we had to convince them to choose just 1 or 2 for the first campaign. That's always good news. Now on to the final writing and printing duties.
The latest, just highlights, details to follow: is now live; concepting; just got a logo challenge, should be fun, it's for a creative biz; preliminary stages with a mortgage company and a realtor. Later!
A lot of activity of late. An e-commerce site is due to launch within 10 days. Phase 2 of nears, their new id design is in final approval/prepress stages. My music video collaboration is fast-tracking and I have 2 new print projects about to begin. Oh, and we have a new client, more on that later!
the latest: 1. is progressing nicely: the creative is well-done and is on strategy [the backend programming is proving to be a challenge]. 2. has it's long-awaited image galleries 3. launches this afternoon [or after the client meeting], no changes, just technical support, upload. 4. updates and improvements over at - busy indeed!
Central Alabama's Promise is very pleased with the brochure, look for the update on my web site [].
WHAT'S NEW: is redesigned and live. In a few days, will go will add new photos from recent events, stay tuned!
Brochure for Central Alabama's Promise, an affiliate of America's Promise [a United Way Agency] is in final edit]. The remaining step is to get published. will have a soft re-launch this month. after a quiet beta period, I will promote the relaunch, heavily.
Sixth Avenue's website is almost done [Phase 1]. Phase2 will introduce multimedia, interactive history and more.
created and handed over TSU National Alumni 52nd national convention materials.
made a fast-paced start on Sixth Avenue's web site, now my attention is diverted between a United Way campaign, and AutoEffectz site. Kappa Alpha Psi [] is on the long-term priority list. is nearing completion, as is, v. 3.
I have been informed that the published MDMS directory is back from the printer, I'd like to see it.
I think DVDs are in customers' hands, REACH 2010 is now part of the mdms website.